Muscle Organization and Function

Muscular system

•      Includes all skeletal muscle tissue that can be controlled voluntarily


Organization of skeletal muscle fibers

•      Parallel muscle

•      Convergent muscle

•      Pennate muscle

•    Unipennate

•    Bipennate

•    Multipennate

•      Circular muscle (sphincter)



•      Rigid structure that moves on a fixed point, the fulcrum

•      Changes direction and strength of applied force

•      Changes distance and speed of movement

•      Three classes

•    First class

•    Second class

•    Third class

•    Most common in the body

Muscle Terminology

Origins and Insertions 

•      Muscles can be identified by origin, insertion and action

•    Origin = stationary end

•    Insertion = movable end



•      Muscles can be classified by action

•    Agonist (prime mover)

•    Antagonist

•    Synergist

•    Fixator


Names of skeletal muscles

•      Names give clues to muscle characteristics

•    Location

•    Fascicle organization

•    Relative position

•    Structure

•    Size

•    Shape

•    Origin and insertion

•    Action


Axial and Appendicular Muscles

•      Axial musculature arises on axial skeleton

•    Positions head and spinal column and moves the rib cage

•      Appendicular musculature moves and stabilizes components of the appendicular skeleton

The Axial Muscles

Axial muscles 

•      Logical groupings based on location and/or function

•    Head and neck

•    Vertebral column

•    Oblique and rectus muscles

•    Pelvic floor


Muscles of the head and neck 

•      Facial expression muscles

•    Orbicularis oris

•    Buccinator

•    Occipitofrontalis muscles

•    Platysma


Extrinsic eye muscles 
(oculomotor or extra-ocular muscles)

•      Inferior and superior rectus muscles

•      Lateral and medial rectus muscles

•      Inferior and superior oblique muscles


Muscles of mastication

•      Masseter muscles

•      Temporalis muscles

•      Pterygoid muscles


Muscles of the tongue 
(speech, swallowing and mastication)

•      Genioglossus

•      Hypoglossus

•      Palatoglossus

•      Styloglossus


Muscle of the pharynx

•      Pharyngeal constrictors

•      Laryngeal elevators

•      Palatal muscles


Muscle of the neck

•      Control the position of the larynx

•      Depress the mandible

•      Provide a foundation for the muscles of the tongue

•    Digastric and sternocleidomastoid muscles

•    Seven muscles that originate or insert on the hyoid

Muscles of the vertebral column

•      Superficial muscles of the spine

•    Spinalis

•    Longissimus

•    Iliocostalis


Muscles of the vertebral column

•      Neck region

•    Longus capitus

•    Longus colli

•      Lumbar region

•    Quadratus lumborum


Oblique and rectus muscles

•      Oblique

•    Scalene muscles

•    Intercostal muscles

•    Transverses muscles

•      External and internal intercostals

•      Diaphragm


Muscles of the pelvic floor

•      Perineum

•    Anterior urogenital triangle

•    Posterior anal triangle

•      Pelvic floor

•    Urogenital diaphragm

•    Pelvic diaphragm



The Appendicular Muscles

Muscles of the shoulders and upper arms

•      Trapezius muscles

•    Affect the position of the shoulder girdle, head and neck

•      Muscles inserting on the scapula

•    Rhomboid muscles

•    Levator scapulae muscles

•    Serratus anterior muscles

•    Subclavius muscles

•    Pectoralis minor muscles

•      Adductors

•    Deltoid muscles

•    Supraspinatus muscles

•      Medial rotators

•    Subscapularis muscles

•    Teres major muscles

•      Lateral rotation

•    Infraspinatus muscles

•    Teres minor muscles


More shoulder movements

•      Flexion and adduction

•    Coracobrachialis

•      Flexion of the shoulder joint

•    Pectoralis major muscles

•      Extension of the shoulder joint

•    Latissimus dorsi  muscles


Muscles that affect the elbow

•      Biceps brachii  muscle

•      Triceps brachii muscle

•      Brachialis and brachioradialis flex the elbow

•      Aconeus muscle extends the elbow


Muscles that affect the wrist

•      Flexion of the wrist

•    Flexor carpi ulnaris

•    Flexor carpi radialis

•    Palmaris longus

•      Extension of the wrist

•    Extensor carpi radialis

•    Extensor carpi ulnaris


Muscles that affect the forearm

•      Pronation of the forearm

•    Pronator teres muscle

•    Pronator quadratus muscle

•      Supination of the forearm

•    Supinator muscle


Muscles of the pelvis and lower limbs

•      Gluteal muscles cover the lateral surfaces of the ilia

•    Gluteus maximus (shares an insertion with the tensor fasciae latea)

•    Pulls on the iliotibial tract


Lateral rotators of the leg

•      Piriformis muscle

•      Obturator muscles


Adductors perform a variety of functions

Iliopsoas muscle

•      Formed from the merging of the psoas major and the iliacus muscles

•      Powerful flexor of the hip


Flexors of the knee

•      The hamstrings

•    Biceps femoris muscles

•    Semimembranosus muscles

•    Semitendinosis muscles

•      Popliteus muscle unlocks the knee joint


Extensors of the knee

•      Quadriceps femoris

•    Three vastus muscles

•    Rectus femoris muscle


Movements at the ankle

•      Plantar flexion

•    Gastrocnemius muscle

•    Soleus muscle

•      Eversion and plantar flexion

•    Fibularis muscle

•      Foot position and toe movement is accomplished by muscles originating on the talus and metatarsal bones

Aging and the Muscular System

With aging

•      Power and size of muscle tissue decrease

•      Skeletal muscles undergo fibrolysis

•      Tolerance for exercise decreases

•      Repair of injuries slows

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